Monday, September 30, 2019

OLC, How could I forget!

Mentioning OLC in my previous post, I realised I had been totally remiss in not explaining about OLC from Javid.

Javid, from OLC Is a really spectacular guy who has some amazing tutorials on YouTube! These break down the algorithms for coding with examples using a very cut down OLC Pixel Game Engine (or even initially the OLC Console Game Engine!!!) so that the emphasis can be on the algorithms and not the normal massive stumbling blocks that can be associated with developing on modern systems. Platform agnostic, and really one of the best resources I have found in my coding adventures.

A small example of what I have created after watching the OLC videos and working through the algorithms is Cave Bunny - This project makes use of both cellular automata and A* pathfinding amongst others.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


Been following the amazing tutorials by Robert Wells at if you haven’t checked these out you are doing yourself a disservice!

These are c++ and SFML and quite a nice step up from the One Lone Coder tutorials in terms of being more engine specific.

I’m about 3/4 done with them at the momemt, but here’s a dump from codetrail from a bit earlier in the series.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Woo a blog!

... and today it's not even about code - :|

changed the toner on my Lexmark c746 today by refilling with toner from China, that is not a fun job - yes it saves a lot of money, but the toner is extremely messy. Also needed to melt some holes in my toner cartridges to get the toner in and replace the kill chip. Would I do it again, probably - 50 quid to replace all 4 cartridges or 200+ for compatible replacements and 400-500 for official!!!

Officially (again) this blog will be putting up some code soon; I'll be working mostly with OLC Pixel Game Engine ( and possibly SMFL too having just installed that today.

If you want to skip any articles and just have a look at what I'm up to (and when I say you, I mean me, as I don't expect anyone to read any of this! However, when I forget how/what/why/when I did something; this might be a handy resource for me :D ) then feel free to jump over to

That's it for now!

ASP.NET Core(porate) , yup I'm hilarious :|

 So, lately, I have been in full corporate mode. That means looking after my team of engineers and when I have some gaps in my calendar work...

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